Monday, September 15, 2008


Hello all,
Just a few quick notes:

If your child has their birthday during the school year please contact me if you would like to bring in a healthy, peanut-free snack for the classroom. We can set up a time for you to visit. I will notify the office and you can stay for a special dance party!

If your child has a birthday that is during the summer when we are not in school I would like to celebrate their half birthday! I would like to celebrate all of the children in our classroom family. Contact me and we can set up a day. Let's try to get close to their half birthday.

Also, if you did not send in a binder please send one along soon. I would like to have it started before conferences.

Thank you all that order from Scholastic. Your orders helped us gain points for books that I will be purchasing for the classroom! I will send home the next flyers soon.

Additionally, I have been contacted by our room moms. They would like to compile a contact list of all the families in our class. Please send me an e-mail with your e-mail address, phone number and any other info you would like to share.

Thank you!
Miss V