Monday, March 16, 2009


We have been studying Africa!

Here are some really fun links if you would like to continue to explore Africa at home!

Don't forget, Our Peace Corps friend Adam is in Uganda right now!

The following is a note from our friend!

I spend the first 10 weeks in an intensive training course in Wakiso,
Uganda, and the Peace Corps will forward mail to me there. It will take 3-4
weeks for mail to cross either direction, so until the end of March you can
send mail to:

*Adam Coster, PCV
U.S. Peace Corps
P.O. Box 29348
Kampala, Uganda*

After training I will be placed in a new city and will have a different
address. I will update everyone with that address once I have it (plus a 3
week delay).

Some other important details: You'll want to use airmail, otherwise it might
take 6 months (or eternity) for mail to arrive. Always date anything and, f
you plan to send more than a few letters, number them so that I know if one
has gotten lost or severely delayed. Remember that the turnaround time
between you sending a letter and you receiving the one that I send back is *at
least* 6 weeks. If it takes longer than that, it could be that I never got
your letter, it was delayed significantly, I got so many letters that it
took me weeks to respond (that would be nice!), or my response got lost.
Just consider it a one-way communication (I'd love to hear what's going on
with everyone back in the states), but I'll do my best to get back to you in
a timely manner!

Lastly, please do not send any packages. I may change this request,
depending on where I end up, but it is possible that I'll have to travel
serious distances by bike or unreliable and cramped public buses in order to
pick up mail, and so it might be too difficult for me to get those packages.
Plus, I am really just interested in hearing about your lives.

I think that's all for now. I wish you all the best, and hope to hear from
you every once in a while!

Adam Coster


Click on the following links to learn more about Kenya!
Time for Kids/ Kenya
cybersleuth kids/ Kenya
Kid songs from Kenya
Cool Planet

An article about my early childhood professors at NIU in Kenya! I will be joining the professors of the Early Childhood Department at NIU in Kenya this summer!